Month: December 2022


We will assume that the functions whose graphs we need to build are always located in columns. Moreover, in column a, let there be the values of the variable x, and in columns B, C … the values of the functions f1.f2,… respectively.

Excel has a special chart type called “graph”. With it, you can plot the dependence of data in a column (for example, In) on the line number. Regardless of which category axis labels we set. (Even if the values from column A are signed on the X-axis, the graph will not express the dependence f1(x) in the general [...]

Plotting functions and planes in Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Excel is the leading spreadsheet program. Spreadsheets allow you to process numbers and text, set formulas and functions for automatic execution, forecast a budget based on a scenario, present data in the form of diagrams, publish worksheets on the Internet, etc. In this regard, the computer is one of the means of applying the most important of the principles of learning — visibility. The application of this program forms and develops imaginative, visual, spatial thinking, which facilitates the task of perception, understanding, comprehension and assimilation of educational material.

In my work, I used the Microsoft Excel program to create graphs [...]

The concept of testing

Testing is the language used when writing SMS. Its characteristics:

An abundance of abbreviations (Spocky noki!- good night!)

Disregard for the rules of spelling and punctuation (Che chiba nada)

Highlighting the telephone argot. (Change your SIM card, I’ll use it)

The presence of profanity.(Well, you’re a kazel!!!)

Transmission through words and signs of various emotions (for example, three exclamation marks at the end of a statement convey anger or delight) – (Where the hell are you!!!)

Using numbers to denote a part of a word (to4- exactly)

Linguistic aspects of SMS

Text compression. The volume of SMS is limited, so you need to figure out how to put [...]

History of SMS development

The history of SMS development is very interesting. For 14 years this service remained unclaimed, and then in a short period of time it became almost the main source of additional income for most operators. It all started back in 1991, when the Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) proposed a mechanism for exchanging small blocks of text information between mobile subscriber stations. In December 1992, Vodafone engineer Neil Papworth sent colleagues the world’s first SMS message containing a short congratulations on the upcoming Christmas from his phone. A technology was born that subsequently changed the mobile lives of millions of people [...]

History of SMS messages development

A person’s life does not stand still. The end of the 20th century is a time of scientific and technological revolution, the end product of which is the appearance of a cell phone in our lives. Until now, this necessary item exists, it is unlikely that it will disappear from use or something new will appear, it only continues to improve.

At the end of the 20th century, the availability of communication facilities was high, but there were many places in the world where these facilities were not available to people. For example, two-thirds of the world’s population did not have [...]